I want you to take a walk in the rain with me. Under your umbrella, are you protecting yourself as a person who is a bully, being bullied or a bystander?
A large number of emotions can be put into 7 categories of “umbrella” emotions.
These include:
Apathy or giving up;
Grief or sadness;
Fear or anxiety;
Unhealthy desire or control;
Arrogance or hostility;
Unworthiness or low self-esteem; and
Anger or showing aggression outwardly, or inwardly through depression
A word about negative emotions and anger:
We are taught that negative emotions are not acceptable. We are told that it is only OK to show positive emotions, so we are not well practiced in dealing with unpleasant emotions or handling difficult situations. Try pushing a beach ball down into a full tub of water. What happens to it? That's right, it bounces back and hits you in the face. This is what happens when we try to push our negative emotions away or "sweep" them under the carpet.
A lot of people go straight to the emotion of anger because that don’t know what to name how they are really feeling. They may actually be disappointed, frustrated or perhaps feeling socially awkward.
There are some people, for example, people with ADHD or ASD or social anxieties, who have difficulty reading social cues and don’t know how to interact well with others. This can look like behavioural issues such as pushing in or taking over or controlling the situation which could be seen as bullying behaviour. It is the frustration of not fitting in which leads to anger and maybe aggressive or bullying behaviour.
Life’s stresses:
What pressures are we putting on others, or what expectations do they have on themselves? What causes a person to feel as though they don’t have any control? Why do they feel that they need to regain control through inappropriate social behaviour?
Be aware of where these pressures are coming from and explore techniques to reduce the amount of daily stress. Learn to love and accept yourself or other's just the way they are so that being "enough" is enough.
Chill out!
Relaxation, Meditation and Emotional Freedom Techniques Tapping! are all ways to lessen anxiety and stress and bring balance and clarity back into a person’s life.
With Emotional Freedom Techniques Tapping! you can help identify the problem by asking three easy questions.
What is your strongest feeling/emotion?
Who is the feeling at or is it at yourself?
What happened to make you feel this way?
Identifying the problem:
Once you identify the problem and break it down, it is much easier to deal with which will again bring happiness, peace and fun back into your life. Visit www.appliedtechniques.net