Terms of Service Available, Eligibility Criteria and Client's Rights
The services available are set out clearly below. All person's who are eligible to access the service will receive confirmation on registration of an online workshop, scheduled service or to be contacted to arrange for consultations.  

Applied Techniques Training provides discovery, learning and solutions through programs.

Applied Techniques Training organises workshops online and face to face at scheduled venues or through organisations to deliver ADHD/ASD workshop; Simply 1-2-3 Workshops; Surviving Your Adolescents and Emotional Freedom Techniques Workshops and consultations.

Information on all programs is available at: www.appliedtechniques.net;  at.training.ewe@gmail.com Phone 0447115928.

Clients may be given a follow up quiz or invitation to a closed Facebook group and will receive a Certificate if applicable.

Clients can openly participate in activities and discussion in a respectful manner. A workshop evaluation form will be provided at the end of the workshop. Feedback and complaints can be address directly to Sue Suchocki or by using the Applied Techniques Training Complaints process starting with the client contacting Applied Techniques Training in writing about their concerns. The participant can attend a number of workshops applicable to their needs. Workshops are available at various venues with some training available online or as a print book. The client can have the opportunity to bring a support person with them at their own cost. For information on programs and dates visit www.appliedtechniques.net

Cancellation Policy:
A refund of workshop price minus 10% administration fee if cancellation is received at least 21 days prior to the commencement date of the program. 
A refund of 50% will be given for cancellations less than 21 days prior to the commencement date of the program. 
No refund will be given 48 hours (open venue) or 30 days (in-house) prior to the time of commencement or for non-attendance or partial attendance of the program after the commencement date.  Cancellations are required by email prior to the day or text on the day. Transfers may be offered for an additional fee if available. If the program is cancelled by Applied Techniques Training for any unforeseen event Applied Techniques Training is limited to a refund of the invoiced amount only. 

We don’t want you to be unhappy. In general, for online workshops, there is no refund after 30 days. For consideration prior to 30 days please put concerns in writing for the trainer to contact you to follow up on your concerns to come to an suitable agreement.

Emotional Freedom Techniques Consultation:
Appointments may be scheduled at Sunnybank or via Skype / Zoom(if applicable).
Payment is required prior to the start of the appointment in cash or via online transfer.
Additional consultations may be required.
50% cancellation fee on any appointment that is not attended for whatever reason.
Please advise by phone if an appointment can not be kept - Sue 0447 115 928
Cancelled appointments may be rescheduled at full price.

Disclaimer: Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) workshops, online workshops or consultations are still considered experimental in nature and although it is gaining in scientific support, it is not yet widely accepted as a formally validated scientific technique. All workshops and training are intended to promote awareness of the benefits of learning and applying EFT – however, the general public must take full responsibility for their use of it. This material is for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for traditional medical attention, counselling, therapy or advice from a qualified health care professional. Neither EFT nor the information here is intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. If you experience any unusual symptoms practicing the technique you should seek the advice of a health professional. Although the results of our research indicate that many people are benefiting from the use of EFT with their food cravings, weight loss, anxiety and depression, the responses to the technique are individual. A lack of result or progress may mean you need professional assistance. If you have any concerns regarding your health or mental state, it is recommended that you seek out advice or treatment from a qualified, licensed health care professional. Before making any dietary changes or discontinuing, reducing or increasing prescription medications it is recommended that you consult with a doctor, pharmacist or other qualified medical or health professional first.

If a on-line or face to face workshop or consultation is cancelled by Applied Techniques Training for any unforeseen event Applied Techniques Training is limited to a refund of the invoiced amount only. 

2013 - Terms and conditions subject to change
+Workbooks additional unless otherwise stated., Workbooks are to be copied by participant or organisation.
Children are not permitted to attend this workshop with  parents/carers/child care educators.
Please arrive on time to start time and make appropriate arrangements for children to be collected from school by another person.
A certificate will be issued at the completion, if applicable, when the workshop has been attended in it's entirety.
If you are unable to attend on the day of the presentation or workshop please text 0447 115 928